Why Choose Us as your Disability Care provider
Our NDIS services
We tailor our services to the needs and wishes of each client. Support workers at our company are highly competent, passionate, and empathetic. We deliver the best possible service to you with a positive attitude.
What is The National Disability Insurance
Scheme (NDIS)?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an initiative of the Australian government to provide financial and aided support to all individuals living with disabilities of any kind, be it physical, cognitive or mental. It was founded with an aim to secure for every person with disability a safe, stable, and growth-oriented existence. As an NDIS participant, you can avail yourself of all the services mentioned under the NDIS charter and make way for your holistic growth.
1. N – National
NDIS is valid across Australia, and any Australian resident can avail of its benefits.
2. D – Disability
Individuals living with a “permanent or significant” disability can participate in this scheme.
3. I – Insurance
NDIS works like an insurance scheme that assures that no individual would lead a life devoid of care, growth and support without sufficient funds.
4. S – Scheme
NDIS is a well-managed scheme functioning as per the guidelines set by the NDIA. It adheres to all the rules and regulations and works systematically to build capacity in all participants and help them lead an autonomous life.
As a registered NDIS Provider Cranbourne, we abide by the rules and regulations set by the NDIS and ensure the mental, physical and social well-being of every participant who chooses to engage with us.
Delivering holistic care to all NDIS participants in Cranbourne
Our services will target each aspect of an NDIS participant’s life and make way for holistic growth. Our services will work towards:
In short, what you will find with us is holistic care that will support all your needs, aspirations, and goals and help you lead an independent life to the maximum possible extent. As a trusted disability service provider Cranbourne we prioritise the safety and comfort of the NDIS participants over everything else and work towards securing it every day.